
World Sailing lægger sig i slipstrømmen af IOC restriktioner

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Om det var Line Markerts dundertale skal vi ikke kunne sige, men World Sailing har fra i går til i dag, skærpet tonen i deres afstandstagen til krigen i Ukraine. 

Mandag dukkede der et svagt og ubrugelig holdning fra World Sailing op, og Dansk Sejlunion var ikke sene til at udtale kritik af deres eget forbund, og her til aften, kl. 18:25 dansk tid, dukke så en ny og mere skarp melding op. 

World Sailing ligger sig ganske enkelt i slipstrømmen af IOC, og udelukker alle Russiske og Hviderussiske deltagere, ledere og hjælpere fra sejlsport verden over.

På engelsk lyder deres pressemeddelelse som følger: 

Update 1 March 17:25 UTC: World Sailing statement concerning the situation in Ukraine

Today World Sailing joined the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and global sports organisations in taking the decision to suspend participation of Russian and Belarusian athletes and officials in World Sailing owned and sanctioned competitions and events until further notice. 
By implementing these measures, World Sailing is supporting a united and coordinated approach within the global sports movement.
This decision is in line with the IOC Executive Board’s recommendation, aimed at preserving the integrity of competitions and ensuring the safety of all participants, and has been unanimously agreed by the World Sailing Executive Board. 
We are now strongly urging our Member National Authorities, Class Associations, affiliated bodies, and all event organisers to implement the measure to suspend the participation of Russian or Belarusian athletes and officials in their respective events and competitions. 
Where this is not possible, due to short time frames, for organisational, or legal reasons, World Sailing, in line with the IOC Executive Board recommendation, is advising event organisers do everything in their power to ensure that Russian or Belarusian athletes (be it as individuals or teams), and officials participate neutrally, without national symbols, colours, flags or anthems.
Both on and off the water, our sport is united by the values of equality, inclusion, respect and fairness. 

We are now asking our sailing family to come together as a sporting force for good by working with us at this incredibly difficult time.