
Prada Cup: Covid-19 smitte udsætter fremtidige finale sejladser...

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På America's Cup website forlyder det:

Three new community COVID-19 cases have been detected in south Auckland, officials have confirmed.

As a result, Auckland is going into alert level 3 and the rest of New Zealand into alert level 2 from 11:59pm tonight. This is currently set to last for three days.

As a result of the Government announcement of a Level 3 lockdown in Auckland, initially for 72 hours, the next scheduled race day on Wednesday has been postponed and the event village will not be open to the public during this time.

America’s Cup Event Ltd will be working with the Authorities and relevant agencies over the next few days to work through the ongoing ramifications.

Statement from the America’s Cup Event Ltd

When Auckland was in a level 3 lockdown last year, the teams were allowed to train, as long as they followed health and safety guidelines, with Team NZ using specially made social-distancing alarm devices.

In August, Team NZ said its talks with government department MBIE in April outlined that it was a commercial business and that its on-water operations were a vital activity of the business.

That said, we are waiting to get further advice as to whether America’s Cup training and work will continue. We will keep you updated!

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